The Battle System Prototype contains six different strategy-based battle systems designed to work on a phone. May or may not be turned into a full game. It is not balanced well, nor does it have completed UI. Too bad.

The prototypes and their gameplay styles are listed below:

  • PROTOTYPE 1: Standard grid-based strategy game. Each player takes turns, and on their turn a player can move all of their units. (think Fire Emblem)
  • PROTOTYPE 2: Same as 1, except now players can only move one unit on their turn (think Chess)
  • PROTOTYPE 3: Same as 1, except with the grid removed. All units can move to anywhere within a circular range (that isn't already obstructed)
  • PROTOTYPE 4: Combines the differences from 2/3. No grid, and players can only move one unit on their turn.
  • PROTOTYPE 5: No direct control, instead units are moved by being "charged" in a direction and then fired. Both players go at the same time, all units moved at once. Combat is initiated whenever two units collide.
  • PROTOTYPE 6: Same as 5, however only one player moves at a time, and they can only move one unit on their turn.


  • Player controls the blue units, enemy controls the reds
  • Tap/click on a unit to select them
  • Then tap/click on a blue tile / within the blue circle to move there
  • Then tap/click on a red tile / targeted enemy to attack (this will only be possible if there is an enemy within range)
  • Enemy moves units randomly.
  • Either defeat all enemy units or lose all of yours to exit that prototype.


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